Beyond The Bell (Middle School) » Football


The Football Academy began with the idea that every student interested in playing high school Football should attain the skills necessary to play for any high school team they wish.

The vision of the Football Academy is to develop each and every player's skills, technically and tactically. This greatly increases the understanding of each player's role on the Football Field. We want players to be great role players and also great leaders on and off the Field.

The Football Academy’s philosophy is founded on the "whole person" approach, recognizing that improving a player's physical and technical development must go hand in hand with the advancement of each player's maturity, as well as their emotional and psychological well-being.


The Academy works on four very distinct areas such as;

Motor Skills

This deals with each player’s technical and tactical ability focusing on elements such as  Speed, strength, endurance and flexibility.

Cognitive Skills

This aims to develop qualities such as intuition, memory, concentration, and decision making. Strategies for self expression and creativity and imagination underpin this aspect of our training.

Personal Skills

This helps players foster techniques for having control over their emotions or for regaining self control when lost. Motivation, self-esteem and a desire to be autonomous will increase in these sessions.

Social Skills

This helps players learn how to work together as a group and team. Respect for the rules and acceptance of the decisions of others will also be emphasized. Collaboration is a core part of these sessions.


The Academy will therefore encourage all children to aim high, in terms of their Football ambitions, and will promote the practice of sport as a means of improving each player's mental and physical health.

It is our strong belief that our Academy offers players a unique opportunity to develop and mature not just into better Football players, but will also help students develop into well rounded individuals. Our approach will provide the ideal environment to prepare our players for the future challenges that they will inevitably face, with much greater confidence, in high school and in their adult life.