Career Technical Education (CTE)
Introduction to Engineering Design (IED) is a high school exploratory engineering course in the Project Lead The Way (PLTW) Engineering Program. Students will explore engineering tools and apply ‘the engineering design process’. The learning target includes topics, but not limited to Engineering, Engineering Design Process, Graphic Visualization, CAD, Design and Problem Solving, Assembly Design, Thoughtful Product Design and Making Things Move. (Year 1)
Aerospace Engineering Design (AED) is a capstone elective high school course. Students will explore the basics of flight, aircraft, space and space travel. The course will expose students to the dynamics of gliders, composite materials, and rockets, as they fabricate and experiment with some of them. The learning target includes topics, but not limited to Evolution of Flight, Aerospace Engineering, Physics of Flight, Propulsion Systems, Navigation, Aerospace Materials, Flight Physiology, Space and Remote Systems. (Year 2)
Principles of Engineering (POE) is an elective high school course, where students will explore engineering and high-tech careers. Students will be exposed to basic concepts in many engineering fields. In postsecondary courses, students will encounter more advanced engineering concepts. POE challenges students to improve interpersonal skills, creative abilities, and problem-solving skills based upon established engineering concepts. It also allows students to develop strategies to enable and direct their own learning, which is the ultimate goal of education. The learning target includes topics, but not limited to Mechanisms, Energy, Machine Control, Fluid Power, Statics, Material Properties, Material Testing and Statistics. (Year 3)
Engineering Design and Development (EDD) is a research based capstone elective course. EDD challenges students to design and develop original solutions to a valid open-ended technical problem. Learning targets include topics, but not limited to Research, Identify and Justify Problem; Document, Prior Analysis, and Justification of Solution; Design Concepts Generation, Analysis and Selection; STEM Application and Design Viability Consideration; Prototype Construction, Testing and Analysis; Process Evaluation, Documentation and Reflection; Presentation and Reflection of Presentation; Project Portfolio and Engineering Writing and Beyond Engineering Design and Opportunities. (Year 4)
Business Economics for Entrepreneurship (BEE) is an interactive high school elective course. The course explores the role and functions of entrepreneurs and their management of limited resources. Students will learn about entrepreneurial skills, governmental regulations, market conditions, accounting principles and economics. This course is designed to find the entrepreneur within the student, and improve their skill set through decision making, projects and presentations. The learning target includes topics, but not limited to Economics, Stocks and Economy; Business Plan and Viability; Marketing and Business Location; Financing and Record Keeping; Managing Business and Human Resources; Promoting and Protecting the Business; and Government, National and International Economies. (Year 1)
Virtual Enterprise (VE) is the second course in Business Economics and understanding of business operation. VE attempts to explain and enhance the understanding of business operations. It explores many aspects of people, finance and promotion of business. The course of study may include topics relating to Basic Entrepreneurial Concepts, Resource Management, Forms and Types of Business Ownership, Planning the Small Business, Real Property, Insurance, Location and Facilities, Initial Capitalization and Financial Planning, Inventory, Pricing and Sales Strategy, Human Resources and Management, Marketing and Promoting the Business, International Trade Marketing, Taxation, Special Regulations, Small Business Assistance, Trade Association and Educational Opportunities and Employability Skills. (Year 2)